I’ve realized that war is just stupid. It is typically fought by people who really don’t want to fight at all, but get talked into it via propaganda and silly movies like “The Last Starfighter” or “Rambo II” . At least in Rambo 1, they portrayed the government as how it really is…inefficient and corrupt. The sequels play into this “band of brothers” bullshit that seems to be popular these days. What a load.
Talk about inaccurate, at the end of the “last starfighter”, Maggie decides to leave her family behind to go off into space with her soul-mate (don’t even get me started on that crap), dumping her grandma in a run-down trailer park and….the most unbelievable…without taking any clothes.
Show me a chick who goes ANYWHERE without at least three changes of clothes (if it is more than a day), and I will grab its balls. Women without matching underwear are almost impossible to find, and sure as shit, they are not going to go into space without tampons, bon-bons, and any thing else they could possibly fit into the cargo hold. Where the fuck is she going to get that heavy duty ‘80’s eyeliner? How will she keep her cheeks from looking they have broken out again without face powder, facial scrubs, and a crapload of makeup?
Some men argue that women should be allowed to fight in combat. I say: NO. I don’t have enough room in my pack to carry all of that shit around, because you know they will talk you into it. They can talk you into anything. When a pretty girl smiles at you and blinks, there is some part of your brain that just shuts off from normal thought processes.
Women like to say : “men think with their dicks”. This is impossible. The penis is mindless, unlike the secondary brain function that some of the archosaurs seem to have had.
Nope. A dick is just a dick. Hey, I should know, I’ve been one often enough.
Nope. Pretty girls do not have the same effect on everyone.