Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Heard The Owl Call My Name

I heard the owl call my name

Yes, it is indeed one of my most favourite books. I like the simplicity of the logic, and the reasoning of the religion.  I was an atheist for quite a long time, now I consider myself to be more agnostic, partially due to this short novella.
In the meantime, my owl has discovered the joys of hooting in a travertine marble tiled house. The echo effect is incredible. It is even more incredible at three or four in the morning.
“Whooo-Hooo” resounds throughout our peculiar demesne, scaring the cat sometimes, and making the dog turn her head at odd angles.  I have to answer back, which irritates the Lady S. to no end, because now you have two echoing owl calls going back and forth.
This morning, she thought that a houseguest had stepped upon her cat, due to a series of harsh calls. I explained that while entertaining the guest last night, I had completely forgotten to give the owl his evening series of rats to feast on, and he was pissed off.
Trying to find rats at four in the morning while not waking up your houseguest is somewhat hard though.  I thought I had put them in one spot to thaw out (I get them frozen) and had not. No, I do not thaw them out in the kitchen.
After stumbling about with a pen flashlight for a while, I finally discovered them in my studio underneath a plastic bag. Owl is fed.   S.’s alarm goes off fifteen minutes later.  Damn owl.

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